Hola, iam Marguerite Keyes, Hope you’re having a great day!
What Should You Not Do On Ebay? [Solved]
Popular PostsFood. Okay, you may be thinking, why not? Handmade Crafts. You are allowed to sell these on eBay, but you may well not get as good of a price for your work as you would on etsy.com. Items that need authentication. Jewelry. Large items. Heavy Items. Counterfeit (bootlegged) items. Cigarettes and Cigars.•16 Oct 2015
Top 20 Items You Should Never Sell On eBay
In this video
Why Isn’t My Stuff Selling On Ebay?? My Biggest Ebay Mistakes and How I Avoid Them Now!
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eBay Sellers - This is NOT OKAY!