Sup, iam Dorothy Salmon, Wishing you a productive day.

Where Is Johnny’S Body Cyberpunk? [Solved]

During the major Side Job, Chippin’ In, you’ll go looking for Johnny’s grave at an Oil Field that’s located just on the outskirts of Night City, in the Badlands.3 Jan 2021

DON’T MISS THIS! - Cyberpunk 2077 Equip Johnny Silverhands ARM Legendary Cybernetic Clothes Location


Johnny Silverhand visits his Grave - Correct Dialogue for Secret Ending | Cyberpunk 2077 [4K]

Johhny and V take a look where

Cyberpunk 2077 - ENDING -SPOILER Johnny Becomes V -V Sacrifices Himself and Gives his Body to Johnny

This is in my opinion a good, bad and sad ending all in one.