Sup, iam Antoinette Barker, May your day be joyful.

How Do You Get Nat Pagle As A Follower? [Solved]

In Warlords, you’re going to have to have him as a follower if you want a shot at fishing up the rarest and most difficult fish in the expansion: Lunkers. To get Nat, you’ll first have to unlock the garrison Fishing Shack, which becomes available at level 96.28 Jul 2014

Nat Pagle Follower Guide!

Let’s rustle up some fish, cap’n! We’re going to be looking at how you can get

Garrison Fishing Guide - How to get Nat Pagle as a follower

While doing my own achievement and quests to get this guy at my garrison, I describe on-screen what I am doing. Hope you find it …

hOw to-Warlords of Draenor Follower-Nat Pagle

hOw to Warlords of Draenor