Hola, iam Fred Walker, I hope your day is great!

How Do You Protect Salve Amulet Ei? [Solved]

The salve amulet (e) can be imbued into a salve amulet(ei) through playing the Nightmare Zone minigame. It costs 800,000 points to imbue. The protect value of the Salve Amulet (ei) is 220,000 coins. When imbued it increases the wearer’s damage and accuracy in Ranged and Magic by 20% while attacking undead monsters.

[OSRS] Tarn’s lair mini-quest guide

Item list: - Food armor and weapon to kill Tarn (cb69) twice and while 2 terror dogs of cb110 are attacking you. - Food to pass …

The Salve Amulet: Should YOU “Buy” It? (Ep.13)

Is the

OSRS Slave Amulet Guide ! Slave Amulet (ei)